Rites of Spring

Rites of spring


Two cracked vessels, say
or breaking goddess, broken god
on a path came face to face
by the broad-backed graveyard tree

the broken he saw beauty
felt without a seeing
nature power creation


and from the navel
cracked clear in half
as up reared from what was left
an unfurling dragon god
bursting in black fractals
mighty towards the infinite
wings branches tendrils
spreading strength then light
in love and celebration
full free nothing and to nowhere

the broken goddess smiled
shook her beautiful hair
shedding veils and suddenly free
and thrust her hands into the wet earth
meeting knowing life as it is hidden
uniting what was never separate
as spring thrilled into life about them

the dragon-god saw this power
and could not know it
could never meet it
blessed instead to be enthralled
unconditionally in love with it

and so spread wings further to embrace
to hold from endless distance
the sacred never known.
From each their realms they worship now
the tree of tombstone roots
rising from lost symbols
of sorrows long since settled
into this next round of life

and each spring each now gives their thanks
full-throated calm of heart
to the ancient broad-backed
graveyard tree protector
quiet keeper of the path.